Thursday, December 30, 2010
Pokemon Platinum Save For Gpsphone
I wish you all a happy new year, both in the garden, as well as in other life! Hopefully you have already lots of plans. In my many plants are waiting for a new bed - I wait to create really must necessarily be well * grin * and a number of beds on a thorough restructuring, as the old hedge, which was only reduced, but never been photographed. And the shredder mountain is growing steadily.
If the weather cooperates, I could already start in February with the cutting of the flower beds, so it is perfectly legitimate, major planning projects already think through thoroughly. From early on there may be no question ;-).
And once you see something out there, then my blog entries again richer be.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Commercial Leasing Commision
I wish all my readers, in short all the gardeners, a Merry Christmas to your exact taste! For many of you are even a white Christmas to rest (for us here, unfortunately not) and your gardens with a beautiful white blanket - we hope that next year will be a good garden year and we are developing many ideas and plans that we deliver on that can and that there is only fitting weather ;-).
Love, your Katrin
Monday, December 20, 2010
Japanese Sharking Sperm
Due to a fortunate Weather joints - Nordföhn - we came again today to enjoy a sunny, but unfortunately also very warm winter day. In the garden me some very nice seed heads from perennials are noticed, especially those of Boehmeria platanifolia which are visible in the top left. This shade plant has showy, soft, hairy leaves and is due to a height of about 1.3 m a welcome background plant for shade beds. The stems on the right hand comes from Coreopsis tripteris, high Mädchenaugenart.
On the left you can see the seed heads of Campanula latifolia var macrantha 'Alba', a particularly attractive Glockenblumenart I would like to use more frequently in the coming year - even in the purple variant. Struthiopteris right you can see the almost bestial acts of spores Wedel Matteuccia, the ostrich, which are very durable and now everywhere I leave this fern run free, like feet sticking out of the snow.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Scottish Sayings Quotes
came after snow and slush snow earlier this week, so we now again have to 30cm. After this back and forth are only the more stable the most perennials, all others are kinked, have been bent down by the snow or just wrestled to the ground - I had so much more earlier Cut to a year. Really nice to present the one shown above Phlomis tuberosa 'Amazone', which has already bloomed in early June and so far was able to defy all weathers.
The other perennials are more or less tangled balls around in the beds and make my hopes dashed, Winter issues with my pro-arguments for cutting only in the spring, I'm pretty stupid because ... At least the beds are not empty ;-).
Clematis Some have retained their leaves yet, now shines in the winter sun. Otherwise, all the rest of the garden and tolerates Zero temperatures without any problems. I hope the snow holds something!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Acidity Stomach Cleansing Remedies
There is a lot at the moment not to say to the garden. We had a lot of snow that has been transformed in recent days by rain in Gatsch. Because the ground is not frozen, you can still enter any beds to cut fallen shrubs or perform other work. So it seems like there's really nothing to do time in the garden! But unfortunately, nothing to enjoy.
I would like to point out once again on the flower- Advent Calendar - this time with a little door to me :-).
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Can You Shower With A Tiffany Bracelet
Now it has finally snowed here too sensible and about 25cm snow cover beds, plants and all the contours of the garden. I like no evergreen trees, so there is no winter elements in this direction, and I like it when everything rests in winter, completely hidden and you can only guess where the beds run. But as I leave, almost all perennials, it looks a bit like the forest or on the picture above showing the shadow areas, such as in a clearing. The hedge on the right I have neglected for years, it is an unsightly example of a wrong cut hedge and now in the winter when no leaves covered the error can I think hard about how I manage that again.
The pond has frozen some of them already. Fortunately we were able to remove the pond network in time, that we, if it is cold for longer, can skate, too. A few years ago the winter came too fast, because we had the half-frozen and very serious power in a threesome out of the pond, which was a very unpleasant and very cold.
although I've wanted snow, but it completely forgot that I had actually photographed also like some frost issues. Now almost all the delicate grasses are tipped over - here in the Panicum virgatum image 'Warrior' - and if it ever should be frost, will not look as light as I had imagined ... But who knows how to develop the winter. Right now it looks like a pretty cold time, really a winter to my taste.
who is from winter in frustration, can brighten up the flower- Advent Calendar !
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Ski Jacket Brands In Europe
frost and frustration of the past. For the winter overalls says the winter holidays with low temperatures, the final fight on. Grab your own winter overall and off to the holiday.
Why should spoil the bitter cold one the holiday mood? Why they can solidify their breath as they complain about it and also complained that despite double clothing shakes and freezes in front of ice cold?
Right! If you look at a winter coveralls served, then this happens can not happen.
because it is so convenient. It gets rid of the pseudo-useful double clothing or combined ski suits and opt for the practical one piece. No more brooding about how much you put winter clothes in the suitcase or a lot of money must be spent for winter suits, which provide almost no heat. Storage options, it also has to satisfy such as interior, exterior, side, back or phone pocket.
because he is so functional. You can tell how well you can move around in it, whether at work outdoors, snowboarding, skiing or hiking. It can not only protect against the cold but also functions as a regulator, which has cooled in the heat functions by using an intelligent ventilation system (optional to shoulders, shoulders, back or legs). The winter overall satisfied in materials processing, because its quality is the material tear-and abrasion-resistant and seems ideal for winter holidays or extreme athlete to climb to extreme heights intentions.
because he is so sure. Depending on the version of the winter overalls can occur with or without safety devices (reflectors, reflector vest, etc.) are selected. Thus, you will see on the slopes no longer so easy and a collision with other skiers could be avoided. Optional but are also additional plastic protectors on the elbows, knees, back or shoulder or not removable, available.
For a pleasant vacation, he is a must. The winter overall is for the experienced and savvy consumers a must, because he happens to be so practical, functional and safe for a warm holiday in the cold.
drag times a winter suit and seek out one that suits your needs. If you find yourself here, be it skiing, hiking, crafts, snowboarders and extreme sports, then you also feel the warm inner lining of each winter coveralls.
way that one can not only attract fast.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Denise Milani -glamdolls
The garden has now snowed and the first time really frozen, but not the numbers very impressive, that we live very close to the Alps (-9.9 ° C and scarce snow 8cm) - somehow have all been taking more winter than we do, even the above photo I had from last year. Shade perennials
Thursday, November 25, 2010
If you like and like plants, will be to face sooner or later with plants which are rich, well drained forest floor like it or need it even to develop well may - no later then arises the question of how to make humus rich soils formed in the garden and which requires substrates, in order to achieve the desired conditions. Basically, mulch, mulch, mulch. First of all, with leaves, but also with a wood shredder, cutting shrubs, small twigs, pine litter, Grass clippings and all other things, loosen the soil and slowly decay.
In the pictures above you can see the vast amounts of branches and wood chips, I pick-up every year with neighbors and the whole family, with a truck to drive us, and then shred with my friend in early April, several days of work.
On the right you can see the fresh pile of shredder from April 2009 (the year's I have unfortunately not photographed, he was about twice as large). In addition, no less valuable material stored: leaves that I got from a plot of my family, which is located near the forest, meet together and to my Services have moved. There are about 35 large bags of leaves, tightly compressed, sometimes a lot more that I let any fall or even in spring also reverse actions by truck and then store a season.
I am a lazy Kompostiererin and turn the pile never, not once I let him be simple - half under a Pear Tree, half in the sun - and wait until the foliage is falling apart. Sometimes I get a few shovels to mulch the beds shadow, but by and large, the foliage is a year around untouched.
now in the fall of both clusters have collapsed heavily on the right is collected but already the first leaf of this year. Among them, however - you can see where I've dug - the wonderful leaf mold has formed, which is still riddled with twigs, leaves harder species and cattle parts, very ideal for many shade perennials, but especially for Hepatica. Now in the fall, I shovel some of this earth to the side in order to spring him have available, either for new beds, order or Einpflanzaktionen or just to sprinkle on the black patches.
The earth is not quite finished, but that is not even intended, because the more solid components keep the soil loose. My foliage collection includes many different types of leaves, but primarily beech, oak, hazel, lime, maple, ash, pear, alder and walnut. Now in the fall of the earth smells wonderfully of forest and I'm looking forward to spring when I can give you very soon in the shade plants.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Extreme Thinning In Front Of My Hair
Before the snow comes (and I hope it is what this week!), I want to show some late-autumn perennials combinations from my high perennial beds. Especially nice were presented in recent weeks, the grasses - especially brachytricha Calamagrostis, Deschampsia caespitosa and Pennisetum. You know this already Beetausschnitte from earlier pictures, but now almost any Green out of them vanished and only the stems and withered flowers decorate now. However, I was surprised how much structure is preserved in spite of everything yet! see above: Agastache, asters, grasses.
From early summer until now very grateful Verbena bonariensis and the already much praised Umbelliferae Selinum wallichianum. Both are very stable and sturdy, so they certainly could also survive the winter - except the weather will be illegal. On the left you can see next to the seed heads of Eupatorium maculatum agrimony 'Big Screen'.
From the sun shines through all the perennials seem even now beautifully and also bring wealth and abundance in the beds. If I had everything cut away, one would see here a completely flat, langweilie surface.
The stars are gradually waning, despite their superb - a curl to the leaves to break down the seed heads - the grasses. Especially the bright light against a dark background seed heads and prove more effective than long-distance to its flowering in midsummer.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Kates Playgroung Masterbates
Actually, I would write here rather than snow and frost, but now seems to the winter are still a few weeks. Thanks hair dryer, the temperatures climbed today to nearly 17 ° C, and bestowed a great garden day. Through the few frost to now, many green leaves and a few perennials bloom too. Here you see the Schattenbeet on the terrace, Epimedium x rubrum with, Carex, Brunnera, Polystichum, Helleborus foetidus, and others.
flourishes in gravel bed only now Aster pringlei 'Monte Cassino'. In the foreground stands the leaves of Crocosmia 'Lucifer' in the picture, far right you can see a part of Acanthus leaves and very little left from Romneya coulteri. Otherwise, in the gravel bed, the heyday for this year is over. I have put with onion plants and many Alliums the zenith in the spring and early summer and lack of space to the many fall perennials for this area rather avoided. Maybe once I put a pebble garden with a different focus, in that here it is already pretty tight.
In the perennial border by the year 2009 now, with little flowers. It lives by the autumn colors, the withered stalks - as here Phlomis tuberosa 'Amazone' and the types of perennials. Tipping parts, I'll cut in the next few days, so some beautiful plants stand out better, the rest is available through the winter and will hopefully soon with frost covered.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Japanese Girdles For Women
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Monday, November 8, 2010
Gameshark On Gpsphone
Great contrasts arise in the moment in the gravel bed. The brilliant red background is a normal red barberry, including Panicum virgatum lights 'Warrior', which grows very straight upright and has a beautiful yellow in autumn. To the right is the Feast of Crocosmia 'Lucifer', which begins slowly wither from the tips of her. Also in the picture: left Aster pringlei 'Monte Cassino', in front of lavender, sedum, a solitary ground-cover rose and a book.
is still in bloom in Strobilanthes rankingensis (in the network there is also the name S. rankanensis, and I'm not sure if it's the same kind). The genus Strobilanthes has many garden worthy representatives of the, although praised for years in garden blogs, catalogs and on websites of gardeners, still practiced on a little. The plants are from the Himalayas, where they form of rich, misty forests of large bushes. Very sensitive to the various species are also with us but not enough not to dry any location in partial shade them to thrive. The species is shown to a height of 70cm and is on highly branched branches numerous light purple flowers that in late summer to frost (and obviously even later) . Appear
caution is appropriate in the spring, because the plant is driving only very late and could therefore easily be forgotten or overlooked. Determined this way would also be on the north side of perennial beds to good use, possibly related to Persicaria amplexicaulis, grasses, Leucanthemella or white anemones.
in the garden last year one of their species is Aster tataricus, an impressive game with Aster krenartigen leaves, very rapid growth in rich soils and up to 2m high stature. They bloom until the end of October and goes so well with attractive seed heads of other perennials or Boltonia, late chrysanthemums or even trees with red autumn color.
Friday, November 5, 2010
What Happens If U Drink Scope
When browsing photos of my garden this year are two perspectives I have noticed that I have photographed at least twice: once in mid-June and again in early October. They show the shadow area in two apple trees, a walnut and a hedge, which is equipped with my spring shade perennials, hostas and many bulbous plants. Unfortunately there is no spring view, but I'll subsequent filing next year.
The left opposition fall particularly Astilboides tabularis, Fallopia japonica 'Variegata' un the various Hosta on. The right image is particularly the swing of the beds and the light mood. For two photo-times barely bloomed plant, what shade beds is not necessarily typical, except they are filled mainly with spring flowers and foliage shrubs, as I ;-).
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Accelerated Emtcourse San Francisco
spring shade beds planted with mainly geophytes see in the fall, they are empty. From previous transplantation experience wiser, I add now no more plants, "because it is so empty," but wait until spring - when everything is full wiedr anyway. Visually, the beds are currently no special experience, but they see not messy, because many plants either completely recovered or are they grown so high. Work make the shade beds now no more. I sprinkle each autumn, some leaves on the surfaces and cut soon back in the spring, because many plants sprout as early as March.
In the photo above you can see a pretty hederifolium cyclamen, a rosette of Chrysosplenium macrophyllum, a leaved Golden Saxifrage and also Hepaticas and Epimedium protrude into the picture.
Some plants, such as Lamium maculatum this 'Pink Pewter' or right Corydalis cheilanthifolia drive, even now in late autumn more new leaves and thus bring color into the flower beds. The shown Corydalis is a particularly beautiful plant that casts bronze in spring and has yellow flowers.
The time of the ferns this is over. Except for the evergreen ferns such as Polystichum that until the spring green fronds bear, wither and decay, most with the first frost. You can dry your own fan but definitely leave, as some are stable and thus bring some structure into the otherwise empty shade beds.