Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kates Playgroung Masterbates

November sun

Actually, I would write here rather than snow and frost, but now seems to the winter are still a few weeks. Thanks hair dryer, the temperatures climbed today to nearly 17 ° C, and bestowed a great garden day. Through the few frost to now, many green leaves and a few perennials bloom too. Here you see the Schattenbeet on the terrace, Epimedium x rubrum with, Carex, Brunnera, Polystichum, Helleborus foetidus, and others.

flourishes in gravel bed only now Aster pringlei 'Monte Cassino'. In the foreground stands the leaves of Crocosmia 'Lucifer' in the picture, far right you can see a part of Acanthus leaves and very little left from Romneya coulteri. Otherwise, in the gravel bed, the heyday for this year is over. I have put with onion plants and many Alliums the zenith in the spring and early summer and lack of space to the many fall perennials for this area rather avoided. Maybe once I put a pebble garden with a different focus, in that here it is already pretty tight.

In the perennial border by the year 2009 now, with little flowers. It lives by the autumn colors, the withered stalks - as here Phlomis tuberosa 'Amazone' and the types of perennials. Tipping parts, I'll cut in the next few days, so some beautiful plants stand out better, the rest is available through the winter and will hopefully soon with frost covered.


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