Monday, November 22, 2010

Extreme Thinning In Front Of My Hair

companion just before winter

Before the snow comes (and I hope it is what this week!), I want to show some late-autumn perennials combinations from my high perennial beds. Especially nice were presented in recent weeks, the grasses - especially brachytricha Calamagrostis, Deschampsia caespitosa and Pennisetum. You know this already Beetausschnitte from earlier pictures, but now almost any Green out of them vanished and only the stems and withered flowers decorate now. However, I was surprised how much structure is preserved in spite of everything yet! see above: Agastache, asters, grasses.

From early summer until now very grateful Verbena bonariensis and the already much praised Umbelliferae Selinum wallichianum. Both are very stable and sturdy, so they certainly could also survive the winter - except the weather will be illegal. On the left you can see next to the seed heads of Eupatorium maculatum agrimony 'Big Screen'.

From the sun shines through all the perennials seem even now beautifully and also bring wealth and abundance in the beds. If I had everything cut away, one would see here a completely flat, langweilie surface.

The stars are gradually waning, despite their superb - a curl to the leaves to break down the seed heads - the grasses. Especially the bright light against a dark background seed heads and prove more effective than long-distance to its flowering in midsummer.


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