Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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holiday in the capital: Berlin Apartments

Why not go to Berlin? Berlin is worth a visit!

Why not travel to the capital and then in an apartment or in an apartment live? The offering for such accommodations is endless. Whether in Mitte, Kreuzberg and Prenzlauer Berg - can provide for families, couples or singles it worthwhile to vote for the sightseeing trip for a hotel, diemehr freedoms permitted as an expensive hotel. With the well-developed transportation system can from almost any location, the Sehenswürdigkeitenin quickly be achieved. Whether the Brandenburg Gate, animal park or pub scene in Friedrichshain - in 30 minutes visitors (almost) always on target. The city of Berlin has to offer so much. Holiday Apartments offer a piece of home here in contrast to the sterile hotel.

The city not only a center. Many districts and neighborhoods irritate the days of strolling through the streets at almost every corner you can discover interesting and new. But recovery is possible: many parks, lakes and forests are ideal for hiking or picnic. Culturally, the offer is hard to see. The museum scene with such as the Museum Island, the Museum of Transport and Technology or the East German museum has no peer. More info about the sights of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate to Museum Island will find here .

A shopping trip is also the capital of stay: High-quality shops are found in the luxurious Friedrichstrasse ord venerable Kurfürstendamm. But even in small alternative shops in Kreuzberg Schöneberg or tourists can buy souvenirs and take their Berlin-like in their private accommodation.

And in the evening lure theater, cabaret, opera and chic restaurants. Who does not want to cook in his apartment or his apartment, has a culinary ensure Europe's largest selection of international restaurants. Whether sushi-eating, the Indians or the traditional Italian-it is probably hard to find a country that is not represented in Berlin's gastronomic landscape.

you're lucky you also experienced a of the major festivals, the city has to offer: Film Festival, Jazz Festival and theater meetings are just three examples that are already alone worth a trip to Berlin . There

More about apartments accommodation Berlin apartments and opportunities on-line booking online!


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