Monday, December 20, 2010

Japanese Sharking Sperm

Beautiful seed heads I

Due to a fortunate Weather joints - Nordföhn - we came again today to enjoy a sunny, but unfortunately also very warm winter day. In the garden me some very nice seed heads from perennials are noticed, especially those of Boehmeria platanifolia which are visible in the top left. This shade plant has showy, soft, hairy leaves and is due to a height of about 1.3 m a welcome background plant for shade beds. The stems on the right hand comes from Coreopsis tripteris, high Mädchenaugenart.

On the left you can see the seed heads of Campanula latifolia var macrantha 'Alba', a particularly attractive Glockenblumenart I would like to use more frequently in the coming year - even in the purple variant. Struthiopteris right you can see the almost bestial acts of spores Wedel Matteuccia, the ostrich, which are very durable and now everywhere I leave this fern run free, like feet sticking out of the snow.


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