Garden brings forums to be particularly active in the spring - in addition to an interesting exchange of information and the many become aware of new must-haves - a high factor of despair with them. If a snow friend, as I am one of the winter plays along so angry and reported for weeks, no significant precipitation (either snow or rain), you tend to look forward to the spring, even if clear after years of gardening really should be that before the end of March is not much going on. And since people are active in the garden forums, the gardens are scattered across all central European climate zones, There are enviable garden lovers, where the vegetation is already a perceived months. While I, as here, hopefully in 6b in the earth drill, whether for before everything is there, is there already discussed about the flowering of plants in which I myself am not even sure if they still exist (which is a stupid idea. It disappears only in the rarest cases, a plant over winter and even less).
Therefore, a short garden update, so you can compare your state of vegetation with my here: Cornus mas opens very slowly his buds. The beginning of April already expelled Adonis show color. Really flourished only a few crocus are in the sunny gravel bed, whereas the many, many sunken Crocus tommasianus show all around, but are still far beyond any flower. Eranthis would bloom here, but my stocks are only in the low double-digit range, so be here by any Blühereignis the speech. The Hellebores are a little further, but are waiting on more careful.
behavioral timidity all Hepaticas - that surprises me the most was but an early instance of this nice Shade plants often observed as early as mid February (but often not until late March). I was surprised, however, the early shoots of Paeonia mairei. This beautiful game is to take the form of bright dark pink shell flowers with yellow stamens, and by mid-April. So far, the plant was self from - 12 ° C is not impressed.
The flower beds are now almost all cut back. show up in fresh shoots, it takes but certainly two or three weeks. This large Tuff snowdrops I shall divide after flowering and plant in several small pieces in the vicinity. This approach more quickly Galanthus alone as the seed.
A premature Easter gift will probably occupy me all next week and even longer: I just got a shredder for free! Thus, the accumulating shrubs and perennials cut into valuable shredded material will be converted to mulch. And what remains is wonderful to earth. Determines the plants happy too :-).
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