A debate article by Stefan Sasse
A Reply to Matt Mattusek .
Not again. Once again, his Union politicians and conservative journalists agree offended is to, as a truth was very simple and clear: Islam is, historically, to Germany.
course not, Home Secretary has hand-Peter Friedrich is right when he says these days, Islam historically do not belong to Germany, which is based in a Judeo-Christian-Western culture. It is between Frederick the call statement and Erdogan the German of Turkish origin, not to be committed to a unilateral assimilation, no relation. The error here has its origin on exactly where the problem of the integration debate is rooted: are most of the "Turks" in Germany German, the pass, not of the blood - but the distinction should be in the 21 Century must have grown obsolete.
the Home Secretary was with his statement, of course, not even spoken to a diffuse entity "history." The testimony was Frederick, even if the conservatives can do differently, not with an absolute truth equal to the simple wisdom that the earth rounding. The understanding of society, the Friedrich gives expression to his words, is - here Özdemir law - is actually a crude. The chairman of the liberal-Islamic Federal is right when he is politically and historically incorrect statement holds.
Here Mattusek missing in the debate and counter-arguments to prove that Islam historically belonged to Germany. He should not have long to wait. The construction of a "Jewish-Christian-Western culture" alone, as conducted, the Union is a not absolutely historically durable operation. There is no common Christian-Jewish culture, unless you exclusion is one of several hundred years and sometimes violent pogroms in a positive, marked by tolerance and mutual understanding of history. An anchoring of the culture that is actually perceived as Jewish in the German, at least some Christian cultures to postulate at least daring. In everyday communication and everyday symbols of Judaism is found almost nothing. If you really notice a cultural transfer powers in Germany, one would speak of a Christian-American-Western culture. Because the culture of the United States since 1945 Germany has influenced a hundred times more than the Jewish.
Ever There is a friendly, albeit at a distance thoughtful relationship between Germans and Jews since the first reconciliation in the 1950s. At about the same time - added barely five years - but begins with the immigration of Turkish guest workers to become more than fifty years of history of Islam in Germany. To speak of a non-existent story is so sheer nonsense. The history of Islam in Germany, Mr. Matussek is not long - but it exceeds the life span of the majority of Germans now by far.
Trying to Islam as unhistorical to push as a sort of accident of history aside in the confused hope that - well, what eigenlich? - Happens ultimately is a product typical xenophobia, so the fear of strangers. Xenophobia is the primary source of xenophobia. "Islam" simply provides a convenient, politically correct target area can be unloaded on the xenophobia today. The postulation of a "Jewish-Christian-Western culture" is therefore simply a red herring: the recourse to the earlier attempts are persecuted Jews from the charge of xenophobia whitewash. In order to use the Jews but ultimately as a shield to hide their own subconscious thoughts dirt. And just in limbo Matussek dangerous far from the surface, like his hair-raising postulation of a "Christian historical-religious DNA shows that the Germans were alleged. You should really think that the references should belong to any racial characteristics of the past. The "Nordic blood" is so Christian?
Matussek The criticism of President Wulff, whose verdict of Islam belong to Germany, like Christianity and Judaism works only with resentment. Two thirds of Germans do not share this view so Matussek. And besides, one would take seriously in Turkey Wulff's not even if he also demands that Christianity there. And, finally, that he Judaism "certainty" moved to Germany, the Matussek deemed "problematic nature of history forgotten. He throws so Wulff before what most politicians Union with its "Jewish-Christian-Western culture" do it yourself, hiding behind a statement that is their own commitment to Judaism in Germany, and is to be as unassailable. The trick is with Wulff is not superior to Matussek political friends, but the crow is called here the raven black.
most dangerous and in the context of Article Matussek illogical but also the reference to the majority opinion of the Germans. Was just not Islam as the broad framework of two thousand years of history out not German? Suddenly he is there because the diffuse majority opinion? If the majority is always right about? If we use such an argument, it would have to be a historical evaluation of the Holocaust is another. If not, is only the currently prevailing majority opinion, has to adjust so the integrative power of company to the rhythm of the digestive Springer press? So either one of the Islamic character of a historical logic (à la Marx, Hegel and Nietzsche) not to Germany, or just because of the prevailing Merheitsmeinung that because of the large measurement error in any case is more representative of the views of the pollsters. Both simultaneously is not even if it made very comfortable in their own arguments.
The recent argumentative weaknesses covered Matussek in the end in a real big infusion. By the simple equation "Islam = terrorism" and reference to some confusion, he discredited a blow not only an entire global religion - there are all lumped together, the members of this religion, no matter to what degree. That is to say like that every Catholic would abuse children, just because some radical priests did. Matussek attacks also return to a popular trick of right-wing populist by the warning voice against such Islamophobia as incorrigible, and unrealistic do-gooders is to close your eyes. Arguments are riots in the uprisings in North Africa then stirred with violent young people in the pot, and you're done, "Islam", which, as announced at the end Matussek again imploringly, does not belong in Germany.
Mr. Matussek whether Islam belongs to Germany or not is a question with no relevance. He's here, no matter whether anyone likes it or not. You and your kind are responsible for ensuring that all well-intentioned integration efforts fail and the willingness of the "Islamic pressure groups" decreases. People like you are the ones who poisoned the wells with their xenophobia. The second sentence of your article is most revealing of this thinking, as it contains the following sentence: "It is consistent with what has been called admonishing the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan his living in Germany, Turkish compatriots a few days ago when he she again warned against assimilation. " No, Mr. Matussek, he has not called out his Turkish compatriots living in Germany. He called out to your compatriots, fellow citizens of Turkish origin can be found with a German passport that his message across the fault of people like you who are not obviously prepared are to accept the foreigners as fellow citizens, and always treated as second class citizens - but are always shocked when they do not integrate fully. Where it is "integration" anyway just another politically correct phrase for protecting their own xenophobia, but it says in the conservative language "to be invisible." This is not integration, Mr. Matussek, this is a cultural arrogance that divides the country and porcelain shatters - have found just as Claudia Roth and Czem Özdemir.
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