Sunday, March 6, 2011

Firsttimeaudition Free

Slowly it ...

Garden brings forums to be particularly active in the spring - in addition to an interesting exchange of information and the many become aware of new must-haves - a high factor of despair with them. If a snow friend, as I am one of the winter plays along so angry and reported for weeks, no significant precipitation (either snow or rain), you tend to look forward to the spring, even if clear after years of gardening really should be that before the end of March is not much going on. And since people are active in the garden forums, the gardens are scattered across all central European climate zones, There are enviable garden lovers, where the vegetation is already a perceived months. While I, as here, hopefully in 6b in the earth drill, whether for before everything is there, is there already discussed about the flowering of plants in which I myself am not even sure if they still exist (which is a stupid idea. It disappears only in the rarest cases, a plant over winter and even less).

Therefore, a short garden update, so you can compare your state of vegetation with my here: Cornus mas opens very slowly his buds. The beginning of April already expelled Adonis show color. Really flourished only a few crocus are in the sunny gravel bed, whereas the many, many sunken Crocus tommasianus show all around, but are still far beyond any flower. Eranthis would bloom here, but my stocks are only in the low double-digit range, so be here by any Blühereignis the speech. The Hellebores are a little further, but are waiting on more careful.

behavioral timidity all Hepaticas - that surprises me the most was but an early instance of this nice Shade plants often observed as early as mid February (but often not until late March). I was surprised, however, the early shoots of Paeonia mairei. This beautiful game is to take the form of bright dark pink shell flowers with yellow stamens, and by mid-April. So far, the plant was self from - 12 ° C is not impressed.

The flower beds are now almost all cut back. show up in fresh shoots, it takes but certainly two or three weeks. This large Tuff snowdrops I shall divide after flowering and plant in several small pieces in the vicinity. This approach more quickly Galanthus alone as the seed.

A premature Easter gift will probably occupy me all next week and even longer: I just got a shredder for free! Thus, the accumulating shrubs and perennials cut into valuable shredded material will be converted to mulch. And what remains is wonderful to earth. Determines the plants happy too :-).

Chance At Life Tattoos

Why is the Minister wrong

A debate article by Stefan Sasse

A Reply to Matt Mattusek .

Not again. Once again, his Union politicians and conservative journalists agree offended is to, as a truth was very simple and clear: Islam is, historically, to Germany.

course not, Home Secretary has hand-Peter Friedrich is right when he says these days, Islam historically do not belong to Germany, which is based in a Judeo-Christian-Western culture. It is between Frederick the call statement and Erdogan the German of Turkish origin, not to be committed to a unilateral assimilation, no relation. The error here has its origin on exactly where the problem of the integration debate is rooted: are most of the "Turks" in Germany German, the pass, not of the blood - but the distinction should be in the 21 Century must have grown obsolete.

the Home Secretary was with his statement, of course, not even spoken to a diffuse entity "history." The testimony was Frederick, even if the conservatives can do differently, not with an absolute truth equal to the simple wisdom that the earth rounding. The understanding of society, the Friedrich gives expression to his words, is - here Özdemir law - is actually a crude. The chairman of the liberal-Islamic Federal is right when he is politically and historically incorrect statement holds.

Here Mattusek missing in the debate and counter-arguments to prove that Islam historically belonged to Germany. He should not have long to wait. The construction of a "Jewish-Christian-Western culture" alone, as conducted, the Union is a not absolutely historically durable operation. There is no common Christian-Jewish culture, unless you exclusion is one of several hundred years and sometimes violent pogroms in a positive, marked by tolerance and mutual understanding of history. An anchoring of the culture that is actually perceived as Jewish in the German, at least some Christian cultures to postulate at least daring. In everyday communication and everyday symbols of Judaism is found almost nothing. If you really notice a cultural transfer powers in Germany, one would speak of a Christian-American-Western culture. Because the culture of the United States since 1945 Germany has influenced a hundred times more than the Jewish.

Ever There is a friendly, albeit at a distance thoughtful relationship between Germans and Jews since the first reconciliation in the 1950s. At about the same time - added barely five years - but begins with the immigration of Turkish guest workers to become more than fifty years of history of Islam in Germany. To speak of a non-existent story is so sheer nonsense. The history of Islam in Germany, Mr. Matussek is not long - but it exceeds the life span of the majority of Germans now by far.

Trying to Islam as unhistorical to push as a sort of accident of history aside in the confused hope that - well, what eigenlich? - Happens ultimately is a product typical xenophobia, so the fear of strangers. Xenophobia is the primary source of xenophobia. "Islam" simply provides a convenient, politically correct target area can be unloaded on the xenophobia today. The postulation of a "Jewish-Christian-Western culture" is therefore simply a red herring: the recourse to the earlier attempts are persecuted Jews from the charge of xenophobia whitewash. In order to use the Jews but ultimately as a shield to hide their own subconscious thoughts dirt. And just in limbo Matussek dangerous far from the surface, like his hair-raising postulation of a "Christian historical-religious DNA shows that the Germans were alleged. You should really think that the references should belong to any racial characteristics of the past. The "Nordic blood" is so Christian?

Matussek The criticism of President Wulff, whose verdict of Islam belong to Germany, like Christianity and Judaism works only with resentment. Two thirds of Germans do not share this view so Matussek. And besides, one would take seriously in Turkey Wulff's not even if he also demands that Christianity there. And, finally, that he Judaism "certainty" moved to Germany, the Matussek deemed "problematic nature of history forgotten. He throws so Wulff before what most politicians Union with its "Jewish-Christian-Western culture" do it yourself, hiding behind a statement that is their own commitment to Judaism in Germany, and is to be as unassailable. The trick is with Wulff is not superior to Matussek political friends, but the crow is called here the raven black.

most dangerous and in the context of Article Matussek illogical but also the reference to the majority opinion of the Germans. Was just not Islam as the broad framework of two thousand years of history out not German? Suddenly he is there because the diffuse majority opinion? If the majority is always right about? If we use such an argument, it would have to be a historical evaluation of the Holocaust is another. If not, is only the currently prevailing majority opinion, has to adjust so the integrative power of company to the rhythm of the digestive Springer press? So either one of the Islamic character of a historical logic (à la Marx, Hegel and Nietzsche) not to Germany, or just because of the prevailing Merheitsmeinung that because of the large measurement error in any case is more representative of the views of the pollsters. Both simultaneously is not even if it made very comfortable in their own arguments.

The recent argumentative weaknesses covered Matussek in the end in a real big infusion. By the simple equation "Islam = terrorism" and reference to some confusion, he discredited a blow not only an entire global religion - there are all lumped together, the members of this religion, no matter to what degree. That is to say like that every Catholic would abuse children, just because some radical priests did. Matussek attacks also return to a popular trick of right-wing populist by the warning voice against such Islamophobia as incorrigible, and unrealistic do-gooders is to close your eyes. Arguments are riots in the uprisings in North Africa then stirred with violent young people in the pot, and you're done, "Islam", which, as announced at the end Matussek again imploringly, does not belong in Germany.

Mr. Matussek whether Islam belongs to Germany or not is a question with no relevance. He's here, no matter whether anyone likes it or not. You and your kind are responsible for ensuring that all well-intentioned integration efforts fail and the willingness of the "Islamic pressure groups" decreases. People like you are the ones who poisoned the wells with their xenophobia. The second sentence of your article is most revealing of this thinking, as it contains the following sentence: "It is consistent with what has been called admonishing the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan his living in Germany, Turkish compatriots a few days ago when he she again warned against assimilation. " No, Mr. Matussek, he has not called out his Turkish compatriots living in Germany. He called out to your compatriots, fellow citizens of Turkish origin can be found with a German passport that his message across the fault of people like you who are not obviously prepared are to accept the foreigners as fellow citizens, and always treated as second class citizens - but are always shocked when they do not integrate fully. Where it is "integration" anyway just another politically correct phrase for protecting their own xenophobia, but it says in the conservative language "to be invisible." This is not integration, Mr. Matussek, this is a cultural arrogance that divides the country and porcelain shatters - have found just as Claudia Roth and Czem Özdemir.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Period Due Today Has Not Come

loss of control

By Stefan Sasse

After CSU-Chef Seehofer against Schavan and Lammert had gegiftet who had in his interpretation of Guttenberg on conscience (and a Merkel-confidence are just punching bags of the defeated, of course, that he avoids a targeted strike against Merkel), Merkel seems such pressure from their own ranks to feel that they are once again open to Guttenberg committed and a comeback of the Baron wants -. against the now criminal prosecution for fraud, mind me The most striking thing is their argument that the comment by the scientific staff but not repeated verbatim, but sends the message again: "I have weighed between errors and Services and I am come to the conclusion that Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, who is a gifted politician, had proven to be defense minister. "There is not really Merkel, who is talking. This is not typical for them, usually does not make them with such a clear position in such a delicate issue to attack. That is the naked fear.

It seems that the crash in the rafters of the Union would be a bit higher than I originally thought had. At least the CSU seems determined wild be to drive the price for the task Guttenberg even further into the air after it has already received the Ministry of Defence. This shows a certain Merkel's loss of control over their own group, it is driven. This is potentially good news for Merkel increases, the gap between the Union and the educated elite in the country and alienate potential voters and supporters.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Do Women Like Genitile Hair Of Men?

Who is a painter who model and gallery visitors who?

By Stefan Sasse

A rather idiosyncratic analysis of Guttenberg's resignation Thomas Steg, a former deputy government spokesman narrated from 2002 to 2009, in an article in the Süddeutsche. Accordingly, Guttenberg was a victim of trying to shape his image in the media for his own ideas of what can not work, according to Steg. Celebrity-known example for this thesis in his Rudolf Scharping, who could never get rid of his boring image, no matter what he tried. According to bar a politician can only go through an image transformation when it was "credible and authentic" remains - bridge example is Joschka Fischer. The article ends with a list of current politicians, and to them of "the people" attributed attributes. come alone, in bars "" the people "(a terrible fashion collection word) to their assessments of politicians such as the Virgin Mary for the child.

The very few people ever have a leading politician seen live, much less are met him in person or knew him before his ascent. A large part "of the people" does not even have a direct question of any top politician on TV or radio experience. I can remember, for example, not to have experienced ever Aigner, Ramsauer or young in the original sound. When creating the image of a politician is, the overwhelming majority "of people" rely on intermediaries. Of these mediators, there are two: first, the media, and the other, the parties themselves, the latter usually occur only during the campaign directly to the citizens approached. In the remaining three and a half years, they mainly focus on influencing the media, so they report in their favor - the government officials come here an elementary Role.

In bridge there are these two links in the chain is not easy. "The people" are simply an opinion about politicians, then this is sacrosanct - Lafontaine evil, arrogant Westerwelle, Steinmeier solid and calm, Gabriel suddenly, von der Leyen pretty and competent, diligent de Maizière. Such images, however, can ultimately only be conveyed through the media, because the absolute majority of Germans gathers information through newspaper, radio and television about the political process and relies on the basic reporting. Who could seriously an attribution like "hard worker" in the case de Maizières take themselves out of watching his public appearances? For something we need journalists who know him and have long observed - or simply write the attribute

Either way, the images of politicians are not actually painted by themselves.. They are the model and the final product is in the hands of the painter. And these are not the citizens, which are only gallery visitors. The painters are the media and the spin doctors who try to influence it. To act as if a magical connection between politicians and citizens would be, is simply disingenuous.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spearmint Tea For Hirsutism 2010

black and yellow swan song

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has finally taken the consequences and is an unworthy rearguard action, as required here resigned. The "Baron Lies" probably has most recently seen that in the face of increasingly overwhelming evidence of the plagiarism scandal in his position was no longer tenable. Too many places where he clearly plagiarized, appeared in the Union began to erode his support, and finally even turned his doctor father away from him. Time to say guttbye!

Although not about the Minister of Kunduz or Gorch Fock stumbled affair, but a "cheating" as it called itself part of the press euphemistically, but this does not matter - the "Shooting Star" of the German political landscape, the "shining light", now for a while for intermediate storage in the cooling ponds have to Bavaria. The remanufacturing seems indeed requested by parts of the Union, but the case Kasper should have shown that even politicians with fraud not come so easy. Moreover, even should the "Black Knights" have risen slowly that he has since committed not just a minor offense. The press is Interestingly, two minds - while Heribert Prantl in SZ a comeback possible keeps Fischer / Gebauer see the Spon rather the possibility that could result in Guttenberg, as once withdraw Friedrich Merz, the very from politics . His electoral mandate he has in any case already made. How come it may - it is certain that the outgoing defense minister, who so recently was only a "self defense", will play in this term no longer in federal politics.

What remains is the political Daily business, because if now a little more likely to be fought over the succession to Guttenberg and haggling is, it goes: "The show must go on!" Angela Merkel and her government team for this year from six state elections (three of them alone this month) and increasing human and political problems. Where Prantl still sees a chance for a breath of Union is emerging on rather that of "Angela, the Stoic" soon "Angela, who Gehetzte" might be. The number of problems are legion and one of them is Afghanistan. Meanwhile, German troops are killed in the tenth year in the Hindu Kush, and be killed, and no end in sight. Moreover, it is indeed just the minister got lost, whose departure leaves contrary to his statement anything but a member appointed house. The scandals "Field Post and Gorch Fock " awaiting further clarification of, the Bundeswehr will have as part of its reform is obviously a problem and their voluntary conversion requires urgent intervention arms of a test for constitutionality.

Except in the defense department as well as lots of other challenger revisions to wait on black and yellow and the Uckermark leader: although it has, as expected much the same, suitable with the inventors of Hartz IV on a rotten compromise, but the fundamental injustice that is used by millions of ALG II recipients perceived as such and is manifested in a growing flood of complaints, this does not responds and the necessary debate on a BGE or "basic income" (Union model) is continued. In health reform, the Government expects no skating exhibition: The doctors are already bad temper and the patients are there, with another one-sided burden of Philipp Rösler additional contributions, the envisaged capitation, increasingly, be. Ultimately, should have the displeasure of the citizens, the majority were for exit and are added to extend the maturities of existing nuclear power plants. Already 2010 has been found that this subject again can move masses to the streets and in 2011 it could still be more people who oppose the rotten deal with the nuclear industry voice.

as if it were not enough problems with the property, lists the coalition an increasingly thinning staffing: If the Union were leading figures "weggebissen" some time already and went of his own accord (eg, Friedrich Merz, Roland Koch) or were more or less forced her hat, as now, to Guttenberg, and before him Franz Josef Jung and Horst Köhler. For the FDP, it looks even gloomier: Except for a rather deranged Chairman Westerwelle (Insider mockery: "Gesterwelle"), who seemed ready before the Causa Guttenberg already to step down, she only has a "self" Dirk Niebel, an "economic" minister Brüderle that is attached to the reputation of the Trinkfreudigkeit, and to offer the "young pup" Rösler. So that they can truly "make no state." If Westerwelle but stumble over his own legs, which, given its equally mindless as absurd words of the "late Roman decadence" is not just seems unlikely had not only the FDP is a problem.

It is not even "half" of this coalition, but coming as it does so quite ruffled. Never before had a government to record the war such a bloodletting, looking out ever so bad. Had to Guttenberg, Merkel probably alike as feared, survived to autumn, a cabinet reshuffle, one (and probably the only) opportunity for the chancellor it was for saving the coalition over time. As it entered the baron back in the political reserve and - possibly - the following other ministerial fall would mean a premature end to the government.
"Reserve has Ruh," Angela Merkel not.

Can I Get Wart On My Scalp

Spring greets

I got free, the sun is shining and the first spring flowers can be sown for my heart. The cold wind is very unpleasant, but that has not stopped me from gardening.
Rapid jacket I've given up for now. It did not work, the edges have curled up. After several attempts with different attacks, I did not want more.
a sock I'm ready. The counterpart is already grown to heel, but .......
Why does just the first sock fun? The second is always with me forever until I rouse the couple accomplish

Software Expert Choice 11.5

the cleanup

By Stefan Sasse

Thomas de Maizière appointed new Defense Minister . The Personnel was finally yesterday the hottest candidate. It is thought right to be able to see a pattern: de Maizière, the large scale clean Merkel. As Interior Minister he has had to sweep up the pieces left by four years Schäuble and with a quiet but made no great impact others, but friendly and unobtrusive internal politics. Now he must sweep up the mess with; Guttenberg the left, and bring all the glamor and the poses, the Court stated that the office, the ongoing reform in dry towels. He is the ideal person for it - and so was his appointment is the only serious choice that Merkel had

hope no one can give as popular and effective publicity of the Tom Cruise of Defense.. Ultimately, however, any successor will have to be measured by Guttenberg. No wonder then that the first candidate Ramsauer has turned down the same, before he could be asked. Each CSU-man could have just looked pathetic just about every clumsy misstep would have laughed more than at the time of Franz Josef Jung. The Ministry of Defence to give to a reputable pussyfooter as de Maizière was therefore a tactically smart move. No one is seriously trying to compare his public appearances with those of Guttenberg, and that he can move behind the scenes, stripping it has proved sufficient in four years, the Federal Chancellery. He will pass through without much public the transformation of the Bundeswehr to a professional army.

For Merkel, the course is good because it will provoke an open wound PR-los. For this they must occupy the new Ministry of Interior, probably with a CSU-man. De Maizières legacy here the martial declaration of war against enemies of cyberwarfare, the focus of the Ministry of the Interior is currently on network policy. From de Maizière one has since seen very little - which speaks even more for its efficiency - but it is likely that the CSU (which one, well, very sharp network profile) to refer to this field primarily the mockery of the Internet community and their will draw attention. The Merkel should not even be wrong, because their focus is elsewhere these days certainly

Last of Guttenberg's resignation and the de-Maizière Personnel is further enhanced by a different minister. Guido Westerwelle. The outer shaft suffered so far Guttenberg's self-representation and under massive appearance, the often presented himself as by foreign ministers - most strikingly in Davos, where Westerwelle was pushed completely to the edge. Westerwelle loses the battle for foreign policy headlines its main competitor is likely to be particularly in view of the revolutions in North Africa and Arabia, clearly present and harvest so that the fruits of their restraint in recent months in terms of Hartz IV and other bullying by but his approval ratings yet the Secretary of past approaches - and also secures its position as the FDP leader. The resignation could Guttenberg Merkel in this way a new stability and redirect the focus of attention completely missed. It will be interesting to see whether this strategy works. A coalition break, however, or even a serious crisis can be well seen as unlikely.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dianette Birth Control Risks

Heavy blow for temporary work

By Stefan Sasse

With all the good news because of the resignation Guttenberg, one should not forget that the Federal Labour Court ultimately more important, jet force has developed decision like : all collective agreements of Christian era labor unions (CGZP) are ineffective. Whoever shakes his head blankly, because he of these unions has never heard of, it is little scatter ashes on his head (but at least a little!). This "Christian" unions make the market reforms of the agenda is uncertain, by concluding with employers for temporary workers collective agreements, which are well below those of the "normal" trade unions - hourly rates are € 5 per collective agreement are not unusual. Machinations of these yellow unions, which have hardly any members, have come for the first time in the dispute between PIN and post to carry and have allowed the temporary employment agencies to bypass the equal-pay principle widely. This practice has now ended, the Federal Labour Court by the CGZP simply denied the collective thickness added. This decision was long overdue.

come to the temporary employment sector in order to claims in the billions, one of plaintiff-time workers (which have the rather bad cards), on the other, by the social funds themselves, the additional claims provide for unpaid contributions from 2005 / 6,. Most employment agencies are unlikely to be able to meet these demands and have to register because of bankruptcy. Will survive only a few, so there is hope that Wolfgang Clement will soon have to search a new job. If time employment agencies in the market then there are those can no longer work on the business model, the state and workers billions to cheat, but actually only offer tips for job workers. If the government issues no new laws that allow the temporary employment agencies but new ways out, at least, should the worst excesses of this industry are passé

However, what really bad thing about it is. Again it was not democratically legitimized Justice, a decision in the public interest against the interests of a few has had to make. The gateway for this large-scale fraud, the company has opened red-green, by causing the temporary agencies working with extremely large environment and not against the abuses took (that the CGZP has no collective power was already known for years). In the Grand Coalition, the SPD still did nothing against the now clearly identifiable problems that created the temporary employment (displacement of regular employment, the erosion of social systems through post bypass). And since black and yellow at the helm is happening in this field anyway. How long it will go even further so that the highest courts - especially the Federal Constitutional Court - in Germany make the job that actually has the Parliament? When will a new generation politicians who finally new Visions for a German company of the 21st Century? The current has worn-evident.

Word With Letters B O Q N S P E And E

Guttenberg resigns!

By Stefan Sasse

at least Signed IMAGE . Joy!