Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Chilisaat and Garden Links

vegetables and sow is otherwise not really my thing (the extensive vegetable gardens, home to our garden next to the perennials, are all handled by my mother and looked after, however, I harvest every now and then ;-).) and also they are not shrubs - but the last few years, every spring I sow chilis and tomatoes later. It is a particular pleasure to wear in snow and soil frost thawing into the house, sow and thus to begin the new gardening year. Since I was betrayed, the practical trick to make Chilisaat warm, fresh seeds germinate within four days. to see the top are ' Jalapeño' seedlings, but also some other varieties ('Cayenne', 'Aji Cristal' and 'Criolla Sella ') already show green.

In the garden we have now dug along the eleven remaining holes for our Most fruit trees, tomorrow we are planning to plant the trees last sixteen of hearing after the poor have been lying around since the end of November in the strike. The early winter weather has thwarted all plans for timely care. As attractions +9 ° C and sunshine but it digs a lot easier than in typical winter weather.

Because the winter, but surely take some time, I would recommend you a few links that I always like to visit:

Have fun, click and enjoy!


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