Monday, February 7, 2011

Bipod On Gamo Varmint

first shoots

The warm weather - today +12.2 ° C - has now almost all corners of the garden to melt the snow. And contrary to all expectations once the first shoots have appeared! Top left you can see Adonis 'Fukujukai', which however has already bitten by the first screw, luckily only a little bit. Cyclamen coum law, however, are behind the house and were until yesterday still under the snow so they are even further back.

Hepatica nobilis in my garden represented numerous. The first flower I found in a sunny spot that has long been free of snow. All other plants are still waiting gently, like right transsilvanica Hepatica 'Blue Jewel'.

The 16 fruit trees are planted at last and the first two beds are made frühlingsfit shadow - I would have still had no rush, but it drives a lot already so that I can rise no more likely later in the flower beds. Plant


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