Since the summer usually already too little time left, I have found in recent days, the Geranium's profile on my website complements and extends ( . Actually, it would be my goal to eventually own at least every Geranium (currently around 130th .. I do not really know) to have recorded with flower and leaf photo illustration. Unfortunately, this sounds much easier than it is: Every year in winter and summer images are missing I forget to photograph the plants. In the first three pages of the profiles I have now completed all existent leaf and flower pictures, along with all the geranium, which last year were new to find in my garden (Geranium 'Melinda', 'Danny Boy', 'Mrs. Jean Moss' and 'Madelon', to name a few) - (the pictures from top left bottom right: koraiense, maculatum (type Oudolf) macrorrhizum, 'Eve').
In the garden today, shrub and tree cut was announced. For the next few days that are supposed to be sunny, I have a long list of things to be done:
- around pierce the sedum (they cannot then the summer is not around) mulch
- the dark beds of leaf humus and shredders fertilize
- onion plants (as I have recently made, were not even any visible) cut
- the remaining perennial beds
- Galanthus share and re-plant
- herbaceous and shrub pruning drive away (phew)
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