Monday, February 28, 2011

Basketball Warm Up Song List 2010

HP update and the latest gardening

Since the summer usually already too little time left, I have found in recent days, the Geranium's profile on my website complements and extends ( . Actually, it would be my goal to eventually own at least every Geranium (currently around 130th .. I do not really know) to have recorded with flower and leaf photo illustration. Unfortunately, this sounds much easier than it is: Every year in winter and summer images are missing I forget to photograph the plants. In the first three pages of the profiles I have now completed all existent leaf and flower pictures, along with all the geranium, which last year were new to find in my garden (Geranium 'Melinda', 'Danny Boy', 'Mrs. Jean Moss' and 'Madelon', to name a few) - (the pictures from top left bottom right: koraiense, maculatum (type Oudolf) macrorrhizum, 'Eve').

In the garden today, shrub and tree cut was announced. For the next few days that are supposed to be sunny, I have a long list of things to be done:
  • around pierce the sedum (they cannot then the summer is not around) mulch
  • the dark beds of leaf humus and shredders fertilize
  • onion plants (as I have recently made, were not even any visible) cut
  • the remaining perennial beds
  • Galanthus share and re-plant
  • herbaceous and shrub pruning drive away (phew)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Facial Bruising

The 13 days of the Guttenberg

By Stefan Sasse

There are two things that Guttenberg has done without a doubt. The first is to abolish the military draft. This was a Herculean political power that is not the policy for 20 years, succeeded, although four of five parties, they regularly call in their election programs. That it is a politicians of the fifth party that has always stood up for them, has prepared its end is significant: the principle of "Nixon goes to China " has once again displayed its accuracy. The second performance, he has only fired, but without him it would be hard to imagine: he has brought Germany the most exciting political scandal in years. One must also appreciate that. In the last 13 days, so much has happened, added so much new information that it's worth the initial analysis to undergo a general review and to see again what has actually happened and what lessons can be learned from it now.

When the affair at 16.02. began I was convinced it were a trifle. Eight footnotes made false Lord God, that's nothing bad. Well, this assessment was a serious mistake. appeared as more mistakes, the scope was more clearly emerged, and the weekend (19./20.2.) figured it out already an hour with his resignation. Known, it was different. While I gathered the biggest numbers at all times on this blog because I all the network found jokes semi-plagiarized collected here have (oh, the irony), to Guttenberg, defended by the only strategy that he stood by the resignation: He was a part of debt rolled over from one part and played down the large Rest probably overwhelmed by the pressure to decide the government stood behind him. The danger seemed averted, and beginning the following week to stabilize Guttenberg everywhere predicted: the backlash began, masterfully promoted by the Springer press, which withdrew an aggressive pro-Guttenberg campaign that got along most of the working day reporting without an antagonist and therefore Sun had an opinion-forming, that it seemed as if Guttenberg actually strengthened from the crisis go.

This had, however, the weekend of 26./27.2. changed again. The campaign has since fallen Springer widespread criticism. Straight the mirror fencers have managed to land with his discovery of the remarkable relationship Pro-Guttenberg campaign on Facebook and the Springer Group perhaps the first scoop of a political blog in Germany. Although the temporal coincidence may be accidental - with the weekend began an aggressive counter-campaign. The return of the doctoral degree, legally impossible in reality, gave him the hilt of the action again in the hand, he seemed to stand above it all and took the inevitable decision of Bayreuth in advance. The hearings of the opposition on Wednesday, 23.2., Guttenberg appeared to put away yet, because the tone was aggressive and the fans to bring something of so little from the rest , Were particularly thanks to the energetic indignation of FIG. In fact, it seemed that it would only strengthen these attacks even more. The peak of insolence was reached when on Thursday (24.2.) Attempted to shift the blame on Professor Häberle, just as if the act is not the worst, but that it was not noticed immediately.

It however, appears monthly in a kind of recollection of many people have found their accounts. Well-known conservative politician convicted Guttenberg's actions, virtually every leading media presented with the exception of the Springer publishing house decided against him and the mirror was on Monday, 28.2., with a massive attack on the IMAGE to. Guttenberg's affair after all, has so good that the media have gone through a painful self-recognition process. There is at least hoped, that must have something of the ugly caricature that some media people there saw in the mirror to stick in the memories remain. The declaration of war of the mirror to the image in any case their ratio is expected only once murky term. While the media began to dismantle the existing sovereignty Show Guttenberg (even with the Keep-the-thief-trick, they simply move to the Springer press alone in the shoes), broke on Sunday, 27.2. And Monday 28.2. with all the violence, the long silent academic World the staff of Guttenberg. Professors and graduate students wrote open letters, Guttenberg declared no longer viable. Even CDU Science Minister Annette Schavan, who was once a serious scientist, declared himself "not only secretly ashamed of Guttenberg.

Come to the sideshow of media self-cleaning, we thus to the heart of the matter. Guttenberg has landed with his plagiarism a direct blow against science. That is one thing. have done with his lie, the whole somehow subconsciously (and that's a lie, says one part common sense and also the experience of everyone who ever such a work has produced), he landed a direct blow to the conservatism in Germany and the civic values. . Both are worth further consideration

The blow to the science is clear: how can we ever seriously pursue science as a proofreader and have the legitimacy to demand decent work when others get away with such a striking violation? This is completely impossible. At the same time, and that is subtle and is reflected in its consequences, probably in the next few weeks and months, the Guttenberg'sche plagiarism regardless of the fate of the minister but the educational and scientific policy of the government delegitimized: How Merkel wants to rant seriously because of the "republic of education" and the value of education philosophy, if they abbürstet other hand, criticism of Guttenberg with the reference to have set no scientific assistants? Any educational policy of the government dismantled it really. A shadow like this, when the opposition is clever, remain even after Guttenberg's resignation.

At least the University of Bayreuth must also dropped the charge of political interference can: Guttenberg was manifestly contrary to the just-published statements of the supervisor's Häberle not a very good student. His graduation was only a bad "Satisfactory" - according to the rules of legal science so that we may not even graduate. This was made by a Guttenberg dispensation of another professor, the dean, which allowed "exception". This professor is close to the CSU, as he points out even on his own homepage. To be approved, Guttenberg had also submit two bills, which were graded as "good" or better - ironically he had made just for Häberle and another now emeritus professor. ( Link ) A rise from mediocre student at Summa cum Laude-doctoral students is of course possible - but unlikely. In addition, the counterfeit products in Guttenberg noticed are already working in the seven months - but the professors in Munster advised the discoverer to keep quiet until he had written something of his own. The background of this maneuver can only be a certain amount of academic arrogance: do you only own what times before you dare to play the Netzbeschmutzer! It makes sense, it may be hard to hold something back, and the professor in question had indeed themselves can play the whistle. But if he has not, out of a false consideration for the "colleagues".

The blow to the bourgeois values - decency, respect for property, honesty - but it is, the Guttenberg in special and Union in general, the greatest problems arise. The rest could wipe it aside, but anyone who is complaining is seriously conservative and does not only Friedrich Merz level but must rise Zornesröte face. Guttenberg's built next to the massive rise of almost obsequious and uncritical reporting of all media to those same values that he embodied in his person. Nothing than a bad joke is left over, his reputation as a person is just gone like the Otto Graf Lambsdorff, when he was convicted of tax evasion. Guttenberg did not only damaged himself, but the whole Union. How can anyone talk seriously of decency who abuses the deaths of soldiers in Afghanistan to be redeem himself? It may be that he is taking in a few years as a purified sinners a comeback - again with these values, but he will not peddle.

This has smudging his misconduct Write to Merkel on the flags. It was she who had decided last weekend not to act like this could actually installed and to force the resignation of Guttenberg, but sit out in the best manner of the whole carbon-try. In that the government in unquestioning loyalty to the baron known, she is caught with mitgehangen. Everything Guttenberg has screwed up will fall on Merkel. His case it tears at least a piece of by far. Mappus may have miscalculated its aggressive support of the Baron also to do another political disaster for S21, only this time just before the parliamentary elections.

remains the question of what long-term consequences of this scandal is. The CDU / CSU is now in any case have enormous legitimacy problem, whenever it comes to the defense of "intellectual property" and thus kowtow to all the before the music industry is, whenever you want to make University policy and whenever you want to draw on traditional bourgeois values. However, that a fall in the abyss Merkel Guttenberg actually tear and should destroy coalition I consider unlikely - even if it were of course welcome.

For the evaluation of the person Guttenberg and their rise is also currently appearing Guttenberg biography of Eckhart Lohse and Markus Wehner, the career of Baron precisely evaluated important. It is interesting above all that Guttenberg was trimmed from the beginning of his vita : father and grandfather him bleut that not the message, but its presentation is important and could hold him for 13 first public speeches. Such details show even more examples of the great problem with the Elitenpräservation in Germany: who is the top one stays up, if he actually does anything or not. Guttenberg practiced from childhood to present ourselves, the great show of sovereignty, is now a house of cards collapsed immediately. Nothing about the baron out of the gel in your hair is real: doctored the vita and from the beginning allows only possible by the extraordinary richness of the House, interesting way stations freely invented or exaggerated, embellished own performance significantly and, ultimately, anything done, except in the mechanisms of this elite reproduction is not beyond the pale to fall out of the ordinary - until now. Fleischhauer therefore has the same right and wrong in Guttenberg's misconduct as symptomatic of the nobility and the bourgeoisie viewed: Guttenberg has worn-symbolic of both groups because he represented both - even though both are now distancing themselves from him.


Friday, February 25, 2011

How Can I Get My Female Doctor To Touch My Dick

only once in passing ....

By Stefan Sasse

Because you just now and then in the key media and the accusation flash of Guttenberg see, he had falsified his resume: click (note date again).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Broken Capillaries On Infant's Head

Something fundamental ... to the Bundeswehr

By Stefan Sasse

Oeffinger the free thinkers, there are now more than four years. Many issues have already been discussed several times in different posts, so that the author often seems unnecessary to explain certain allusions or settings in more detail. Since 2006, the readership, however, has increased substantially, and for those who have joined new, may not always be immediately clear what writes Oeffinger freethinkers. The new series "Something fundamental ..." is this Ripple, in which will see a summary given to specific topics. This episode deals with the Bundeswehr

The abolition of compulsory military service by Defense Guttenberg that his indisputable greatest political power is -. No matter how even the factual issue is - has a number of anxieties and fears aroused. For better or for worse, Germany will now only have a professional army. About all the constantly hovers the threatening shadow of Weimar, where the professional army projecting itself as a "state within a state" and largely to blame for the instability and the final fall of the Republic. Many see this Weimar ghost now with a professional army "army" on the horizon lightning. It is grouped with the hyper-inflation may well be the two largest mental relics from the Weimar period. How great is this threat? And what direction would the army take in the future?

Conscription seemed to be an unavoidable fact in the creation of the Bundeswehr in the early 1950s. The potential millions of potential enemy armies in the East inevitably require a substantial conventional army, they wanted to at least get close to balance upright. This was to lift only with the military service, their introduction in 1955, just ten years after the end of World War II, the first major political protest movement in Germany led: in the so-called "Without me" movement, tens of thousands protested against the introduction of compulsory military service. As the new officers were almost exclusively of old army personnel, the fear of a continuity with the military of the Third Reich was anything but baseless.

For this reason, in addition to military service, of which one is a composition of the army from all layers and thus - in contrast to Weimar - the prevention of a socially homogeneous society against hostile group hoped, the guiding principle of "internal Leadership. "Output, the self image of the Bundeswehr was different from this" internal management "of the self-image of armies of earlier days: they should be used only for defensive purposes and disasters, its members were regarded as" citizens in uniform "and were active through this and stand for election and a uniformed freedom in security and military issues far more cohesive in democracy than they were in Weimar had been the case where select soldiers and not allowed to be selected.

This noble principle had to face, of course, the practical test. The everyday life of the army requires a degree of subordination and discipline and renunciation some fundamental rights as they can with the liberal-democratic claim actually hardly agree. Rarely was the force in the public spotlight, so that crude practices and rituals were always long Hinga to go before we came to them by chance on the ropes. There is little doubt that the sentiments of the majority of professional soldiers is related significantly to the right of center - the majority still within the democratic spectrum, no doubt, but partisans of the SPD, Greens and even Left will be found in its ranks no. The FDP would have it difficult.

fell after the end of the Cold War, the Bundeswehr into a legitimization hole. The great enemy against whom they first established had been no longer existed. Instead, began a new tradition: participation in international missions with the legitimacy of humanistic intervention that enjoyed in the NATO countries since elimination of the communist threat in the developing world of rising popularity. Was the subject in 1993 in Somalia still as credible as the mid-1990s in securing Bosnia, so already the Kosovo war came in 1999 in a bad reputation. No later than the participation in the Afghan war is proving to be a great ordeal of the Bundeswehr, the stakes are completely aimless, largely hated by the population, expensive and dangerous, without any tangible success was in sight.

For the soldiers involved in particular and the institution in general, the Bundeswehr is all a huge problem you dar. must live with the problem of fighting a war at home will be rejected and denounced as once the GIs in Vietnam as a baby murderer. This experience is new for soldiers, and it must be said: the policy it has been shamefully left out in the lurch. The eggs around the concept of finding war, the Abwiegelung and presentation of the operation as an armed Brunnebohren THW - all this must be for those who have their base camp actually only heavily armored and can always rely on guard contribute infinitely frustrating. Accordingly, the soldiers, largely by politics and the media left alone, actually only recourse to a professional ethos for meaning extraction. Professional soldiering without any other context but do not ask for the meaning of the act, but merely a job. Professional soldiering this way will the principles of leadership development ad absurdum.

Paradoxically it is precisely the denial of a spasmodic "normalization" of the view of the Bundeswehr, which produces for its internal constitution hazards. There are discussions as to whether it bravery medals and memorials to fallen and needs to be done with strange sentiment. If I were a soldier, I would probably happen to me quite verscheißert: one hand, I risk life or at least physical and mental integrity and on the other hand, discussed it at home about whether I really do, and whether a piece of metal bestanztes this state somehow affected.

That is not to be misunderstood: I am totally against the mission in Afghanistan, and now also against the war in Kosovo (broke as I was for a political opinion still too young). But the fact remains that the soldiers do their job there. You are not responsible for it, and it is not take a denial to some extent in prison whip properly. With not like it that they are there, but they're - that they need Bravery medals and places of memory, for that we owe them. If the company denies it and regarded as lepers, although this contempt actually rather those due to renew every year without reflection and prospects of success, the mandate - how can you expect then that they are more than "citizens in uniform" feel and committed to see the "inner leadership"? The risk of Weimar states, ie, one is to be a soldier professionals comprehending professional army, with the "dirty politics" will have nothing to do and is very proud to have an independent ethos, much larger fact that one of the new realities not recognizes as the fact that one distributed bravery medals.

Because really offer the transformation of the Bundeswehr into an army career opportunities that will be discussed at all at present. That one already discussed, it is open and low-skilled foreigners to always only consider the potential dangers. Thus, the Bundeswehr just such people provide a solid education, teach them skills that they can after the end of their service in civilian life to do something (which the army is doing already, but its scope can be extended significantly). Language Courses, theoretical knowledge from existing curricula, training of professionals of truck driving on the medical staff to mechatronics and studies at the Bundeswehr universities are possible. Of course, these are colored military indoctrination, and not before the appropriate safe. If the Bundeswehr a detached "parallel society, this approach to the democratically constituted community would be deadly.

fact, it is also possible to give the army a permanent Republican face. There is only a short window of time for it, and it is the only drawback of the current affair of Guttenberg, that this will probably remain unused (although the chance was negligible before). It is necessary that the army as a parliamentary army, but to understand a democracy and the Republic committed army. France and the U.S. have for decades, professional armies, without it being assumed that ever a danger to the Republic. They have their armies, always sworn in the democratic political system, and American soldiers still serve in the world always in the consciousness of defending the freedom (even if they do not always do it). German soldiers are serving in the consciousness that just do their duty. His duty but you can do when you enjoy the shoot some time in the home demonstrations - the freedom not defend. Even if it is often hypocritical enough, though it is often of dubious legitimacy to maneuver the current history of German missions abroad shows that it takes no freedom propaganda to exploit soldiers - misused. A solid anchor in a democratic community that expresses symbolically and medals commemorating his appreciation prevented, certainly not wrong in foreign countries. It is difficult but clearly the injustice in their own country.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Much Does It Cost For A Pantech Matrix

Just took the jacket

now hopefully before spring comes, I want to use my winter wool or a jacket. It is progressing quite well.

Differnce Between Lease And Leave And License


By Stefan Sasse

you wanted to give future teachers performance bonuses, Schavan said at the Stuttgart Education Fair didacta to "be the best teacher of a vintage". How do you want, as always not apparent. There is almost no reform proposal that is put forward so often without further contour "pay teachers according to performance," as, always connected to the argument that it would get better people. Just what is "power" with a teacher anyway? Who defines what constitutes a "good" teacher? Ask five teachers and you'll get five different answers. Objectivity is possible in a school with only the means to apply the teachers themselves with mixed results (have) to quantify P. notes. Either, then you begin to evaluate future teachers for a fixed set of criteria - that would be the end of creative and made of joy teaching. Instead, he would have to meet only a handful of likely unrealistic criteria to some extent a continuation of indefinitive classroom visits from trainees, who themselves have to do with real teaching anything. Or do we like to quantify student performance: the better the grades of the students, the better obviously the teacher. Ludger Wissman by the Ifo Institute argues for such a solution. How far it should be motivating for the work of teachers, at the mercy of the daily output of young people to be dependent on who may have spent the night before in a disco, remains open. Conceivable anyway, this way only by a uniform assessment tests, such as the Central BaWü in class work. Every teacher would use this but only the main part of the school year out, drill the students on a good performance in these key tests - would seriously learned nothing, any creativity or initiative stifled. Finally sunk this stupid idea of "pay for performance" - it does not work.

Diamondback Bmx Decal Designs

Quousque tandem, Mr. Minister?

"How long, O Catiline, will you abuse our patience?" Began with this famous quote in Marcus Tullius Cicero, ancient Rome, once the first of his orations against Catiline, and one is tempted to shout it in modified form, the Minister of Defence, the more mutated into a "self defense". Of course, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is not equivalent to a high and a traitor, but he increasingly strained the patience of the audience.

has too often shone the Lord of Hardthöhe through failures, incomprehensible personnel decisions and lack of communication, too often he seemed less the Office and the soldiers entrusted to him the necessary to have care bestowed because of his own self-presentation in public. The recent scandal involving his "Doktorspielchen" is not really important, as for the office of a minister, it is immaterial whether it goes to a (noble) or academic title, however, two aspects play a not unimportant role yet: Does the Minister acted with intent and says conscious as a result the truth? And he has used to obtain the doctorate even of the Research Service of the Bundestag , is only meant to assist the deputies in their official duties? Such self-service could quickly find the "abuse" should be interpreted and even dishonest politicians present in this republic no exception - the abuse of the office in Germany but is also still not appreciated by the voters.

The smart and always neat CSU ministers, even recently, acted as a "political talent," "hope" and even "shining light" for the heritage of the Chancellor, must increasingly recognize that dark cloud over his well-coiffed main contract. Kunduz was the case the communication and human resources policy of his house was at least questionable (the relief of Colonel Klein, though the minister himself later the attack as "disproportionate", described as well as the dismissal the generals Schneiderhan and Hars and the Secretary of State Wichert), it was his reaction to the following Gorch Fock affair even more: Instead of a senior employer take his subordinates in front of a prejudged by the media and public protection, he saw the hunt not only inactive, but solved without waiting for the results of a commission of inquiry, from the commander, what consternation too understandable for the regular crew of the sail training vessel resulted. A clarification of the actual facts is still out.

that's not all, appeared almost simultaneously, the "Field Post affair" in the spotlight of public - letters stationed in Afghanistan soldiers were open and papers as well as media from them was stolen, possibly only in Germany, as it is now . Although these processes most likely without the knowledge or even abpielten statement of the Minister, he would be required to provide in this case as the supreme commander as soon as possible for clarification before the confidence of the troops in it continues to fade. Le baron Teflon, "as he is called in France already imitated but increasingly prefer the" Teflon-Chancellor "and can run off criticism in itself.

A new sad high point was his avoidance of the media at a press conference in Berlin, was snubbed even seasoned journalists . The man who wanted to stand for more honesty and transparency, to escape unpleasant questions that should shed more light on the lawful acquisition of his doctorate - a discussion of the way, which takes place during just three more German soldiers in Afghanistan were killed . The media, whose favorite zu Guttenberg, until recently, was this note only in passing, but they focus on his credibility. However, this is not negligible, then for should confirm the suspicion that he was not only not "simply untrue" says, but also in giving its thesis wrong honor given and citations therein manipulated intentionally added. This is now not only to Guttenberg's care for his subjects for discussion, but also his trustworthiness.

With all the accusations voiced seems the Minister no longer "ministrabel"; is the only question - who says it? was

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rainbow Wrestling Singlets

How durable are perennial beds? First

The garden, as the current season in our region to be expected, with snow and frozen. Therefore, I use the hopefully only a few weeks to themes and images to address in recent years.

The title question of the durability of perennial beds is of course rhetorical, at least from my view. So far I managed that is never to create a perennial borders and to achieve a result that for several years as similar as possible would have looked like. Why this does not work, has many reasons: Perennials grow faster than expected, they do not feel well and disappear, they are planted too close (oh yes, I confess) displace and each other, they care or they overgrow their neighbors.

However, the different weather conditions depending on the year to change the look of perennial beds - some combinations work, sometimes miss the fact mutually covered plants. That happened in a perennial border, I have created in April 2009. The south-west side, which can be seen in the pictures in this blog entry was, with shrubs planted, which bloom from late June until frost: Galega x hartlandii 'Alba', Phlox paniculata, Agastache 'Black Adder' Agastache 'Linda', Boltonia 'Snowbank', Oenothera speciosa 'Alba', Orlaya grandiflora, Deschampsia caespitosa 'Goldtau', Sedum 'Iceberg', Calamintha nepeta ssp. Nepeta, Solidago caesia, Aster laevis 'Arcturus', Monarda 'Ou Charm', Aster ericoides, Coreopsis tripteris, Gaura lindheimerii, Nepeta 'Pool Bank' and others.

In July 2009, the white Galegas had their grand entrance. Together with the white Oenothera, Gaura, without my help aufgetauchtem red fox tail (Amaranth) and the red Achilleas was found that a fascinating red, white and green picture. Pink and purple came only a few weeks later with phlox, Agastache, and Nepeta.

From September took over in the bed of asters and more Agastache 'Linda', which I had set, each with two plants at two locations (the lower left image shows the planting of 5 months after system so powerful can grow beets!). Impression was made by the white Boltonia 'Snowbank', which had in the previous months result in a calm and steady background for other perennials.

The above pictures of the bed are all from the year 2009. Of course I did not think the beds would look like in the 2010 season very well, but I did think that it would at least similar. Far from it. Agastache 'Linda' was badly over the winter and their remains were growing going so slowly that they were taken from other perennials, the light, so then when I tried to look up once, had simply disappeared. But instead there were holes in the bed still excessive fullness, where the pink Mona gestures after a year of settling suddenly gets going. Then did not continue, that the pink button no longer stayed in bed. Too bad that Orlaya grandiflora had sown, but self-sown flowers was much sooner than if you get paid to plants. In the heyday of Galegas it was therefore long withered.

Unfortunately, the Achilleas disappeared and fox tails I had just come up into the Nachbarbeet. So my great-white-red issue in July was removed completely. But now the Deschampsia bloomed in profusion, and began - as you can in the left image to see well - morning dew and light in his delicate flower clusters. This changed color until golden into September, so I, along with Coreopsis could umtönen tripteris and Solidago caesia in late summer, the bed of shades of purple to yellow / blue / gold (well, good luck too).

Now I've fallen in love with the Phlox, Monarda-Galega-Deschampsia-Agastache combo, but I fear they could this year look quite different, lacking perhaps this time the blue Agastache, the Mona Earths spinning or Phlox is too large / too high / too wide and displaces the Galegas - it could happen to many things. When you consider how much the bed was 2009 of Agastache 'Linda' coined the 2010 totally lacked, it is impossible to predict how the border will look like 2011 - so I just wait and see you then, what about my Garden has been solved in a particularly beautiful or extremely terrible ;-).

(the image with phlox in the morning light I submit the photo contest in gardening-gone-wild-Blog on 'genus loci' a, because this bed last year certainly was one of the most beautiful spots in the garden)

Gel Nails Palm Spings

memory and historical consciousness of the German

By Stefan Sasse

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin 2006
The German relationship with their own history since the founding of the German nation state in 1871 some subject to change. Nationaltrunkenem of chauvinism, where you saw brought thousand years of happy-lines finally to glorious conclusion to the thesis of the great betrayal of the Left and the Lost World War II to a complete rejection of the own past as an aberration after the Second World War is the historical remembrance of the Germans in a re-break. allow the natural extinction of witnesses from the era of National Socialism and remembering the time before there are more and more to unblock the view of the German past. The reunion has done the rest to make the management of their own past in question, and the continuing debates on the memory of the displaced persons, or the years of dispute over the Holocaust memorial determine the current debate. This development is to be traced in the following, before a final analysis will be attempted.

Get out on the blog history.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Play Pokemon Soul Silver On Computer

A link to Guttenberg

By Stefan Sasse

I would like to write more precisely, on Wednesday but got exams in German and therefore just barely come to it. Read why these times article by Max Steinbeis that contains a fairly basic thought.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Indoor Shortwave An

Lane Splitter 2 is ready

and now photographed. I've already played it and am very happy with it. He is a little further than the first and feels softer. Thus it is beautiful and feels comfortable.
wool and consumption:
Watercolor Color Regia 4 ply knitted, double, 150 gr
online line 144 gala 140 gr
needle 3.5

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Does My Dick Hurt When I Bend Over

trip to the World Championships in Garmisch

The Ski World Championships in Garmisch is not so far away from us for a Sunday drive a nice goal. My husband wanted to watch the departure of the ladies live, but this is frustrated by the admission prices. A seat costs 129th - €, standing places are much cheaper, but were sold out. From the meadow we could watch the spectacle. After a while we changed the site and are a small piece of this steep slope increased. Once there, completely out of breath, we have found that it was better on the field. The runners have rushed past us in no time. We had fun anyway and have decided not to run through the Partnachklamm. Even in winter, a wonderful experience. We were almost alone in the gorge so we could watch everything in peace and make lots of pictures.
The Kandaharabfahrt
Stadion / Ziel

; Partnachklamm

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where Can I Find Legendary Dogs In Pokemon Deluge

Lane Splitter 2 managed almost

Finally I can start with the decrease rows. In recent days I could not for lack of time to knit much, but now the end is in sight. I have the day off, the weather is ideal for knitting, because it rains the whole day. My love is a date in front of TV (winter sports), so I can knit with a clear conscience.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Muvis Gratis En Espayol


good weather for the garden will be used: Although it was not as warm as in recent days, there were still enough sunshine to do. The information I have already mentioned in the winter hedge was cut today, in part, produced primarily Cornus sanguinea, the hoffnugslos outdated meters long in the confused impulses added. The huge pile section is from about one-fifth of the plant concerned. I hope my shade beds now have a little more light.

I also have fertilized those bulbous plants that were already visible after careful consultation with other bulbous plants owners. Particularly in large clumps or narcissus stocks that only trained a few flowers, should guarantee that the bloom for next year. Bulbs grow even in the winter months and if you fertilize only when they bloom, they do not have much of the nutrients. They should consider either in the fall with horn shavings (which I forget every year) or now the Shoots with quickly available fertilizer. Tomato fertilizer in my case, the higher potassium content has a positive effect on the onion structure of - compost would be available later, which is otherwise the agent of my choice, but also more nitrogen-, as well as blue corn that would go too, but only metered lot.

The two large perennial beds together approximately 90m ² in size, were already the day before it. It's been driving all sorts of bulbs, so it was reasonable to do the same work. If it snows again, and then longer is very wet, I could then never in the beds and should always be around gymnastics complicated to crush anything.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bipod On Gamo Varmint

first shoots

The warm weather - today +12.2 ° C - has now almost all corners of the garden to melt the snow. And contrary to all expectations once the first shoots have appeared! Top left you can see Adonis 'Fukujukai', which however has already bitten by the first screw, luckily only a little bit. Cyclamen coum law, however, are behind the house and were until yesterday still under the snow so they are even further back.

Hepatica nobilis in my garden represented numerous. The first flower I found in a sunny spot that has long been free of snow. All other plants are still waiting gently, like right transsilvanica Hepatica 'Blue Jewel'.

The 16 fruit trees are planted at last and the first two beds are made frühlingsfit shadow - I would have still had no rush, but it drives a lot already so that I can rise no more likely later in the flower beds. Plant

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Chilisaat and Garden Links

vegetables and sow is otherwise not really my thing (the extensive vegetable gardens, home to our garden next to the perennials, are all handled by my mother and looked after, however, I harvest every now and then ;-).) and also they are not shrubs - but the last few years, every spring I sow chilis and tomatoes later. It is a particular pleasure to wear in snow and soil frost thawing into the house, sow and thus to begin the new gardening year. Since I was betrayed, the practical trick to make Chilisaat warm, fresh seeds germinate within four days. to see the top are ' Jalapeño' seedlings, but also some other varieties ('Cayenne', 'Aji Cristal' and 'Criolla Sella ') already show green.

In the garden we have now dug along the eleven remaining holes for our Most fruit trees, tomorrow we are planning to plant the trees last sixteen of hearing after the poor have been lying around since the end of November in the strike. The early winter weather has thwarted all plans for timely care. As attractions +9 ° C and sunshine but it digs a lot easier than in typical winter weather.

Because the winter, but surely take some time, I would recommend you a few links that I always like to visit:

Have fun, click and enjoy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Lane Splitter second

and if I'm ever in the post, I can show even equal my new project. A Lane Splitter was clear that another follows. Quick take a picture, then knit again.