Saturday, November 8, 2008

Satellite Frequency Free Channel

Again a few new LOs

Today I got you again to show some new LOs:

credits for both LOs:
DSD freebie kit "add-Grateful" by Gisela B - Designs
Font is Abusive Pencil and 1942 report

Here's a Halloween LO. The dwarf did this year must dress as a vampire and I had to or could it (finally!) And paint. So far, he has always vehemently rejected if I wanted to make up for Halloween or Fasching. All things have his Abschminkerei then did not like and he fought it tooth and nail.

Our "trick or treat" tour was a great success, now to make most people a go, that the children at the doors and people already have candy ready :-). So it has this year played a full bag and I now love my effort to the candy . Manage I would be interested in real time now, it looks like Halloween on you if you also draws from door to door with the dwarfs, or is it with you is not so common. With us there is the fact only since about 2-3 years.

papers and staple by Sliva
page overlay "tattered2" by Lynn Marie Favreau designs
font is 1942 report and uncle typewriter

I wish you all a wonderful Sunday!


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