Saturday, November 15, 2008

Benza Clin Face Lotion

photos and LOs

Still no winter in sight * grumble *. Instead, sunny autumn weather. So once again probably no Christmas card photos with snow. Yesterday, we then started once the first attempts, but the dwarf had no desire to be once again taken on. Instead, I got me holding our poor dog photo taken as object * gg *. I had to make only a few seconds to the photos, he has hat and scarf also runtergewurstelt again, he's quite * gg *. Well, here the dogs Photos:

Here's my latest LOs, with such a great kit by Natalie designs, I could not resist and had to have it along with the great Word Art:

"Dream About Christmas" by Natali Designs
"Playing With WordArt 5 "by Natali Designs

I wish you all a wonderful Sunday!


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