Friday, January 7, 2011

Make Your Own Cuddle Cup

Beautiful seed heads II

My out of the need to find in the garden nothing exciting can, started out series with the beautiful seed heads is the still the same reason in another sequence (presumably a few more will follow when the remaining Plants are snow opened).

This time, my withered mophead 'Annabelle' are pretty well liked. My 'Annabelle' are in the beds but rather pinched, so they have instead of spherical-pretty, gakelig-long habit and actually the whole year round so ugly that I would pull it all the best. Because this is a fairly strenuous work, however, and the flowers in the winter then look quite nice, I cut away during the year always reflect what they are producing too much foliage and stems (perhaps I sometimes fertilizing them this year).

On the right you see the flower spikes of Molinia arundinacea 'Transparent' interwoven with a rather prickly wild rose that smells good but must of necessity, and therefore (and because no one wants to remove them ;-)) remain. In winter it looks with the frost on their many spines of quite nice (if roses can - I do not particularly).

I would much rather have the plant left: Orlaya grandiflora, a really nice one-year Umbelliferae, the seed heads are beautiful to look at for a long time after flowering. This year is really the first time, the ornamental seed heads of Coreopsis tripteris, a yellow flowering in late summer, more than two meters high girls eye type. They stand firm and upright and stable by the many early December snow are not upset.


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