Saturday, January 29, 2011

Simple Message For Christening

Beautiful seed heads III

As previously announced set, I continued the series on ornamental plants, residue from the previous year, of necessity, because otherwise there is little to report. Here are just around the 15cm of snow and it is - 13 ° C very cold. Of the many perennials in the garden are only a handful exist, the rest is invisibly buried under the snow.

links above you can see the remains of Pycnanthemum muticum , a very garden worthy Bergminzenart, who comes from North America and smell the silver, soft leaves strongly of mint. It's a cool, pleasant mint fragrance that determined at lovers of fragrant plants met with enthusiasm. The flowers of the hardy perennial of the Mona similar gestures, but are much smaller and white with tiny dots. Overall, the plant has but rather by their silver leaves, which are also found on the stems and above all by their great scent!

The right picture shows the remaining stalks of agrimony, Eupatorium purpureum 'big screen' . This handsome plant is best in the background of perennial beds removed, where it interacts with grasses and perennials in pink, purple and red shades well.

you do not see much more of the purple loosestrife, Lythrum virgatum 'Dropmore Purple ', which actually consists only of many upright stems. Unlike the native purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, virgatum has the type L., originating from Eastern Europe and Asia, branched and bushy, so it should be preferred varieties in the garden. They have narrower panicles, but much more so a longer bloom time can be scheduled.

At the right last remnants of a button can be seen. I've missed this year to cut the asters and many seedlings so afraid that I stress out loud, what could be done now, all should keep ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Provisional Certificate

The preferred destinations of the Germans - Spain

Spain: holiday mecca for German

Recent statistics show that most Germans surveyed in 2010 would do best in their own country holiday. But closely followed the Germans chose Spain, preferably to take a holiday there.

No wonder, as a holiday destination is easily reached by plane. In addition to the Mediterranean Culinary, the cultural life of Spain also offers a limited number of relatively low-traffic beaches. Whether Barcelona or Formentera. Both are popular holiday destinations with different advantages.

Barcelona exudes charm through the colorful culture. The well-known saying, travel forms' seems to have originated, as many sights can be traced to the long-standing history. These include the Museo Picasso and his famous and lesser-known images or Museo Nacional D'Art de Catalunya, a museum of medieval art objects such as Romanesque wall paintings.

evidence of Barcelona's buildings of architectural perfection, both in historical and modern perspective. First, it is as the basilica Sagrada Familia and the other of the television tower, Torre de Collserola or Torre Agbar.

Formentera is for the to join the German is still a holiday Mecca, when it comes to rest on the beach, fun and enjoyment.

The Balearic island offers compared to other beaches a limited number of beach bars. Here is the beach at Playa Pirata Bus Arenals it will be presented. For on that beach nature still seems to be almost unaffected. Another reason for this idyll is the fact that no building may be built over two floors and thus paints a picture of tranquil chalet villages. The pleasant beach atmosphere convinces with a relatively small number of beach lovers.

Pirata Bus offers typical Kulinaria as Arroz Marinero (rice with fish and shellfish in a clay pot), Pescado en salsa verde (different types of fish with potatoes in herb-garlic sauce) or Zarzuela de pescados (fish stew in the thickened Sud) or tapas (small dishes). The meals served on the island include fishing Roja, grouper, Lubin, Rascasa, Pez Volador, Araña and lobsters.

So if there is to be Spain, then one can choose as an introduction the cultural offer in Barcelona as a tourist destination, while Formentera as one of the most popular holiday destinations the Germans is to recover.

image source: Wikimedia Commons (image 1: Canaan, 2: Vriullop )

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Can U Make A Rainbow Puffle

Lane Splitter

This skirt haunts yes currently on many blogs. I have of course also have to make sure. So far I have worn it yet though. I really wanted to try just once, how this works, I used the existing Merino mix and could not stop. If I was to knit one, I will use 2 colors. The color on the bottom of the image is well taken.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Will Neosporium Cure Ringworm

Winter back

Fortunately, the winter snow and frost (as requested :-)) returned to the garden. The chaos stems in the flower beds is hidden and no one needs to think again about whether to cut now would be useful or not. Even the pond is frozen again.

I'm glad because the garden in winter with snow is nicer than without and snow of January and February, this is easy, at least where I gardeners, quite apart from the fact that you can look much better in the spring when it is really cold and wintry.

Yellowwood Fingerboard 2010 Review

my new blog

Yesssss, I again have a blog .
After the instructions by Birgit Freyer I have this magic cloth ball for some time ready. I have some things to show, of course, but I let it go slow for the first time.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Friendship Bracelets Wea

beds is now cleaning up already?

you should really already cut back the flower beds, remove all shrubs cut and make the garden frühlingsfit? Cat in Oskar and I agreed: no. We like the wild chaos, reminiscent of last summer and the fact that it is starting to grow again soon. We also want to be both know that it intended again really winter and we're not two months staring at empty beds. Therefore: Let's wait until the next period of warm weather and then we clean up with enthusiasm!

find Perhaps then one or other signs of spring, because until a few green tips sleeps in the whole story. While diving Galanthus, daffodils, tulips and other already, but they have already done in warm winters in December. Since I am of course still very much looking forward to the spring, I probing very careful here and there something (a bad habit that, sounded like it that way, should be widespread), and many found: Hepatica heaps, coum first flowers of Cyclamen, First flowers of different primroses, multiple buds of Brunnera, quite well-developed shoots all Lathyrus vernus - Plants (* happy !!!*) Epimedien and many that are already in the wings. As is here but stir before mid-March probably not much hope I am on a lot of snow which leaves the garden and covered only garkeine impatience for spring.

from a small trip I brought you a picture almost exactly opposite, at the foot of the mountain is in the middle of the photograph the garden of which is this blog.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Make Your Own Cuddle Cup

Beautiful seed heads II

My out of the need to find in the garden nothing exciting can, started out series with the beautiful seed heads is the still the same reason in another sequence (presumably a few more will follow when the remaining Plants are snow opened).

This time, my withered mophead 'Annabelle' are pretty well liked. My 'Annabelle' are in the beds but rather pinched, so they have instead of spherical-pretty, gakelig-long habit and actually the whole year round so ugly that I would pull it all the best. Because this is a fairly strenuous work, however, and the flowers in the winter then look quite nice, I cut away during the year always reflect what they are producing too much foliage and stems (perhaps I sometimes fertilizing them this year).

On the right you see the flower spikes of Molinia arundinacea 'Transparent' interwoven with a rather prickly wild rose that smells good but must of necessity, and therefore (and because no one wants to remove them ;-)) remain. In winter it looks with the frost on their many spines of quite nice (if roses can - I do not particularly).

I would much rather have the plant left: Orlaya grandiflora, a really nice one-year Umbelliferae, the seed heads are beautiful to look at for a long time after flowering. This year is really the first time, the ornamental seed heads of Coreopsis tripteris, a yellow flowering in late summer, more than two meters high girls eye type. They stand firm and upright and stable by the many early December snow are not upset.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Congrats On Pregnancy Letter

Partial Solar Eclipse

Today exceptionally somewhat non-plant: We were lucky with the weather and were able to see in bright sunshine, the partially covered sun. The images are taken through a welding goggles, hence the strange color and image is three somewhat blurred. I found it fascinating and was pleased that there was no fog like a few miles further north.