Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can A Baby Take Lactulose Long Term

spa trips - what's behind the concept?

I'm happy for my life spa vacation, I want to say here even know what it actually with wellness on has. I'm just a weekend of Aldiana Hochkönig back, a really great spa hotel in Austria.

spa hotels and resorts have generally an appealing beauty and spa area and lure their guests with a variety of wellness and spa treatments from different cultures: ayurveda, thalassotherapy, massages, saunas, hydrotherapy and herbal baths as well as anti-aging Treatments and much more are usually on the program. The Aldiana is no exception, here it is even an outdoor sauna (with panoramic views, just wonderful) and an aerobics room for something more sporty. The Asia Spa area includes several exotic rituals like Coconut or Banana Dream Dream, which is a treat for body and mind. Similar offers are also available in other global wellness hotels.

But who had the idea to combine a variety of spa and health policies globally, the term Wel lness ? The concept of wellness, the one in German might be translated as "good health" or "feel good", is attributed to the American physician Kenneth H. Cooper, who is also called "Father of Aerobics". Wellness is a term of art is composed of the English words "Well-Being" and "fitness".

Source: / massage pavilion © Uwe Dress learning

A spa vacation however, must not be equated with the stay at a beauty farm. Wellness refers to a holistic health model , which also includes a sensible diet and regular exercise and meditation, autogenic training and other methods of mental and emotional relaxation with. With a quick weekend so it is not done, the best to try a piece of the wellness mentality in his everyday life take over. And the odd holiday here and Wellness then there is the well-deserved reward for the grueling daily routine ...


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