Thursday, May 1, 2008

Difference Between Reining And Trail Saddle

shop moving, sale and FREEBIE!

Yes, yes, I know I neglect my blog quite nicely now .... but I do better ;-)
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Yes, I know, I neglect my blog currently ... but I promise it will be better ;-)

So, first time: Today is the day! The Scrapladies Shop moves
Today is the day: The Scrapladies shop moves:

Just take a look! / Just stop by!

Then there is a sale in the Angel Dreams Boutique looking ... just drop by.
Then there'sa sale at Angel Dreams Boutique ... just stop by.

So, what new course I also back in the shop / I certainly have something new in the shop:

Sweet Baby:

The elements, papers, Layered Edges and Frames are also available as a collection!
You can get the elements, papers, layered edges and frames as a collection!

Here are two layouts that I made with my new kit:

So, and here the most important ones, the freebie. It is a small addon to the new kit and I hope you like it! Please mind and turn back and leave me a comment if your mitnehmt you the freebie ... I love reading your comments!
And here the most important, the freebie. It is a little addon to my new kit and I hope you like it! Please remember to leave a little comment if you take the freebie ... I love to read your comments!

Here 's left / Here you can download it:

a wonderful first May I wish you even more! / I wish you a wonderful 1st of May!


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